Keeping the Romance Alive During the Holidays!


The holidays are stressful. We are planning and attending holiday parties, spending lots of money on food and gifts. Decorating, baking, cooking, traveling and shopping. It can easily become overwhelming, stressful and sometimes romance can get put on the back burner. We spend so much time thinking about other people that we forget ourselves and our partner.

At the exact same time the holidays can be increadibly romantic. I’m seriously expecting at least one or two texts from friends getting engaged, and I’m sure a Facebook feed FILLED with engagements. Although I myself am not expecting a sparkly rock on my finger for Christmas and I’ll be acros the ocean from my love, its still our anniversary this month. And remembering to make our relationship a priority (even more so than normal) is important during the holidays.

So what can you do!?

  • First things first, start with yourself. Its not going to be romantic if you’re practically pulling your hair out because you have about 300 cookies to bake tomorrow. Try to set aside at least one night a week to not do any holiday planning and prep. On this night, try to either focus on yourself for some relaxation or on your partner.  Here’s a few ideas for your night off!
  • Take a nice bubble bath. Complete with candles, wine and maybe some music or a movie. I watch movies while I’m in the tub, or else I spend 2 hours filling up the tub (my plumbing is terrible) and only 20 minutes sitting in there. A movie keeps me from getting too bored.
  • Take a walk with JUST your partner through a really lit up neighborhood. Lots of neighborhoods will deck out the street with crazy light displays. Although your kids will like it too, try going with just your partner, get a sitter for an hour or two and enjoy some time alone. You can also drive if its too cold. In Chicago, the Lincoln Park Zoo has Zoo Lights, a walk through the decorated zoo is a great date!
  • Another great date idea for you and your partner is to find an ice rink! In Chicago they are EVERYWHERE! Even if you don’t know how to skate, its a great opportunity to learn (or fall together!)
  • Find a cozy bar and have a cocktail. There are SO many bars that have a really cozy atmosphere with plush couches, fireplaces, and decorated for the holidays. Have a drink with your partner to unwind from the stress of the holidays.
  • Sit down and make some goals for 2015 together. Even though it doesn’t seem to be something romantic, be sure to include some romance on that list! Whether it be go on a date night each week. Plan a romantic getaway. Or to have sex at least 3 times a week. Just talking about some fun and sexy goals that you can do TOGETHER is a great way to remind yourselves to keep your relationship on the list of priorities.
  • Plan a sexy surprise for your partner. This is by FAR one of my favorite things to do. Does your partner have a fantasy that you’ve never really had the opportunity to play out? Maybe they have a favorite outfit that you very rarely wear that always gets them rearing to go. I have such a stockpile of lingerie and I know my boyfriend loves it when I wear certain types of heels. Even if its just after the kids go to bed. Light some candles, toss on something sexy and invite them to join  you! Let me tell you, I’ve never seen a man finish his work so quickly in my life.
  • Give the gift that keeps on giving. This may not strike a cord with everyone, but adding sex toys to your bedroom can really be fun, a great way to connect, communicate and can help increase intimacy between partners. Did you also know that 71% of men are open to using sex toys with their partners! Thats a majority of men who are open to the idea of sex toys. But if you’re not sure, the key is to communicate. Don’t just introduce one without asking! Suggest bringing a smaller toy like a bullet into the bedroom to try together! If they’re up for it! Take a trip to buy one together, or shop online together. That way you can both choose something you’ll both enjoy. 
  • Take a night off from cooking. Go out to a romantic dinner. Get dressed up, wear makeup, act like its your first date! Putting a little more effort into your date (like when you were first dating) can go a long way!
  • Give each other massages! Or go get a couples massage. What better way to relax than a massage. If you’re not super skilled as a massuese, try massage aids like gloves, heated pads and hand held massagers!

Got some other great ideas for keeping the romance alive during the holidays? Share them with me in the comments below! 

Foreplay Fridays! Fall Date Idea!

The last two of my Foreplay Friday Fall Date Ideas were outside adventures. I don’t like nature, I’m not outdoorsy and I don’t do cold. Although I did do the Corn Maze last year and it was super fun, but damn that shit was cold! This time around I’m giving you an INSIDE idea! Complete with blankets, snuggles and prime opportunity to get busy!

Have your own little indoor movie night, complete with candles, movie treats, blankets lots of pillows and a fire (if you’ve got one, if not just pretend! Or turn up the heat haha)



Send the kids to Grandma’s or a for a sleepover at a friends and take the opportunity to pick some of your favorite movie and set up a whole pillow bed on the floor. When was the last time you made a fort? Think of it as a fun way to do something different, have fun and get close to your partner. Snuggle anyone? With pillows, blankets, spiked hot chocolate, popcorn, treats and perhaps a romantic (or scary if thats your thing) cuddle up with your partner and watch a movie! Make your at home dates special. Even if it seems to be the most mundane thing you could do, give your self the opportunity to create a special memory. Remember when you used to “watch a movie” but never really remember what happened because you were too busy making out!? Create an environment that asks for a sexy fun makeout session (just be careful not to fall asleep half way through the movie!).


Before you know it you and your partner will be comfortable, relaxed and in full on makeout before you make your way to the bedroom. Well maybe you don’t even need to make it to the bedroom considering you’re going to be set up on the floor filled with pillows and comfy blankets!

Foreplay Friday!

How often do you go out on a real date with your partner? Once a week? Multiple times? When you think about what dating is and what it does for a relationship it varies depending on what stage you are in your relationship.

When you first start dating someone new its all about getting to know each other. Seeing if you actually like them; mentally, physically, emotionally. If you’re compatible with each other and if you have a romantic chemistry. Remember that time when a guy actually asked me at the end of our date if there was a Spark ?!? Absolutely the most awkward thing ever.

autumn-in-moscow-1433556-2-mAs time goes on and you get into a routine of seeing each other regularly, commit to each other dating often times gets put on the back burner. But a lot of times when you do go on a date it means that sex is most likely going to happen (unless you drink a whole bottle of wine and pass out before you even get home! Been there done that!) at the end. Or its a really special occasion. I know for me, when I do get the opportunity to go on a date with my boyfriend I take a little extra time to jazz myself up!  I shave my legs, wear makeup and try to dress cute! Because dates to me are something special that don’t happen often, especially now that we’re 6000 miles apart.

Dates don’t have to be ultra romantic where you go to a fancy dinner they can be fun too (and still romantic!) So in honor of dating and the upcoming fall season and since dating your partner is the perfect way to spice up your relationship. I’ll be featuring some fun and romantic fall date ideas!

So here I am toting about how dates jazz up your love life. and I’m going to go right ahead and suggest a group date. Well it could be either a date date or a group date or just something fun to do with your friends.

Go to a corn maze!


Search in your area for a corn maze during the fall season. They’re actually pretty fun. Here in Illinois there is a really big one that has challenges that you need to complete for a cheesey certificate at the end. I went last year with some friends and my friends have made it an annual get together each year. But it really is a great idea for a date.

Here are my suggestions for corn maze success:

  • Find one with a challenge, not only are they fun but it allows you to work together. And a little competition reeds-1436094-1-mnever hurt anyone (if you’re going with other couples/friends)
  • Go at night. Its a little spooky but bundle up and bring flashlights. Because when you’re freaked out you can cling to each other.
  • Make sure the place has food/drink offerings. The one I went to had an orchard so they had hot apple cider (which I couldn’t have of course) and snacks to eat before and after we completed the maze.
  • If its just the two of you and you’ve got to drive a ways to get to the maze, make a weekend out of it! Find a cute little bed and breakfast near by and have a romantic little fall getaway!