2014…Is this your year for the best sex ever?

So I thought about posting a “what are your sex resolutions for 2014” but then I thought again about it and said naaahhh, too typical of a post for any blog let alone a sex blog.  

So instead of a What are your resolutions for 2014 kinda post, I’m going to give you some great tips on how to ACCOMPLISH your Sex Resolutions for 2014!  We can say we want to do all these things for ourselves, for our partners, for our sex lives in general but in the end its not about saying it!

Its about DOING it, both literally and figuratively.

Through my training, seminars that I’ve attended and my own personal research I’ve gathered tons of information on sexual health, healthy relationships and increasing your opportunities to have great sex with your partner (or yourself!).

Here are some helpful tips and information that can lead you down the road to amazing sex!

  • Skin to Skin contact is essential! We know its important for babies to be held and touched, its crucial for development, But its also important for adults! Often times when we are trying to avoid sex or being intimate with another person we avoid touching that person.  If you want to help your sex life this year start touching your partner, whether it be holding hands, hugging or kissing. Touching each other will make you feel more connected to your partner!
  • Schedule a Date Night! Couples who schedule themselves a date night regularly are more satisfied with their sexual relationship! Date more = Score more! Now I know its tricky to schedule dates in when you have a busy calendar and kids but you NEED to make your sex life a priority now, don’t wait until your kids are out of the house or you have time, make the time!
  • Bring your Partner with you to the doctor. This may seem unusual to you, to bring your partner with you to your yearly visit…but having your partner there with you gives them the insight to what your concerns are physically! And your doctor can give you some suggestions of what you can do together to help address those concerns! Sometimes we need to hear it from a doctor to realize how important something is. Having your partner with you at the doctor opens up that avenue for some great communication!
  • Understand that our bodies change with age! This is SOOOOO important to keep in mind. Your body is going to change and you need to understand what those changes do and how to adjust to them! You need to know what changes take place as you age, for example as you hit menopause the muscles and tissues in your vaginal walls are maintained typically by estrogen. When you go through menopause your body is reacting to the lack of estrogen (thats why you get moodswings, night sweats and hot flashes), so to maintain those muscles and tissues you want to be sure to work them out just like you would your arms! Try using Ben Wa Balls or something of like to work those muscles. To maintain that tissue (so it stays nice and plump!) try using a Vaginal Moisturizer or a good water based lubricant regularly!
  • Foreplay Foreplay Foreplay! And then some more Foreplay! I cannot stress how important foreplay is not only to your relationship but also to your sex life. It takes a women 10-15 minutes to produce enough lubrication for intercourse. 10-15 minutes! If you don’t have time to build up that arousal and lubrication, then its essential to use a lubricant.  If you’ve got time to play then come up with some fun things for you an your partner! Games, massage and toys are great ways to introduce some spice to your foreplay!
  • Communication is Key! Often I think people fear telling their partners what they want in bed because they don’t want to feel judged. But when your partner knows what you want, and you know what they want you can be more focused on the pleasure! Did you know that 70% of people would use a toy in the bedroom if their partner suggested it!?  71.2% of men are open to sex toys!  If your nervous about telling your partner what you want or introducing a sex toy into the bedroom one fun way to help open the doors to great communication is to get some books ( I personally think the best are : Tickle Your FancyTickle His Pickle and Ride ‘Em Cowgirl) Have your partner take one color highlighter and you take another, highlight what you each want to try or what you like and take some time to look it over! You both learn what you like and you don’t even have to talk about it.
  • Variety is the spice of life! Did you know that in a recent survey conducted by Indiana University found that 65% of women reported having an orgasm during their last sexual encounter? While 94% of men reported having an orgasm? Luckily for women we have a variety of different ways to reach an orgasm! To achieve that variety of orgasms we need a lot of variety! So spice things up try new positions, different foreplay, add toys to the bedroom and change things up every once and while! Variety will increase your chances of having a great orgasm!
  • Know what works for you! You know your body the best so you know what positions, what angles and what things work best for you to reach that orgasm. If you don’t know give yourself a try and learn! Explore what makes you orgasm on your own so you can tell your partner exactly what works!
Got some more ideas on how to have the best sex in 2014! Post them in the comments!

Also be sure to follow the blog! When we reach 50 followers I’ll be giving away a little goodie basket!

One thought on “2014…Is this your year for the best sex ever?

  1. Pingback: 2014: drei Achtel gute Sexvorschläge, Rest Müll - die liebe pur

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